We started the lesson as usual with the idiom of the day: save it for a rainy day, a very appropriate idiom since yesterday it was raining all day. Some of the students actually guessed what this means.
After this students described in pairs a couple of the pictures on pages 72 and 73, in particular the one where some people are demonstrating and another one where you can see some antique jewellery. Then we did a listening activity which consisted on some pieces of news and students had to complete them with specific information. The activity served as an introduction
to explaining the Present Perfect Simple for recent events in active and passive voice.
Students did exercise 8 on page 73 in which they had to complete the paragraphs using the verb in Present Perfect and deciding whether to use active or passive voice.
Finally they discussed the meaning of the verbs on page 74 related to the body.
For homework they must do exercise 9 from page 73 and number 2 from page 74. For next Monday they must write a newspaper article choosing the section of the newspaper they are more interested in and using the passive voice, present perfect and past simple, relative pronouns...
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